
By using our website, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you disagree, please stop using the site immediately. We may update these Terms without notice, so check back regularly.

User Submissions

Any feedback or submissions become the property of Crossroads USA. By posting, you allow us to use your name with your feedback and warrant the accuracy of your information. False information is prohibited, and we may remove content based on inaccuracies.

Order Acceptance and Pricing

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel orders for valid reasons. We may need additional information from you to prevent fraud. Discrepancies in order details may result in cancellation. We strive for pricing accuracy but may cancel orders if pricing errors occur, informing you before confirmation.

Trademarks and Copyrights

All intellectual property on this site, including software, designs, text, graphics, and source code, is owned by Crossroads USA. Unauthorized commercial use is prohibited.


We reserve the right to modify or terminate these Terms at any time. Your rights under these Terms may be revoked without notice. If terminated, you must stop using the site immediately.


These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Crossroads USA. If any part of these Terms is unenforceable, the rest remain in effect. By using this site, you agree to these Terms.